Machining Services

Machining Services

Machining Service

Here is the basic infrastructure of our Machining Services:

  1. Three Large Lathes
  2. Milling Machine
  3. Shaper
  4. 200 Ton Hydraulic Press
  5. Horizontal/Vertical Boring Machine

Offering the following services:

  1. Bearing Housing and Journal Repair
  2. Complete Machining and Welding Facilities
  3. End Bell repair
  4. Shaft Rebuilding and Retrofitting
  5. Custom Design and Engineering
  6. Sand/Water/CO2 Blast Cleaning


Shaft Replacement: Lawrcon Electric has the machine shop capability to manufacture new shafts up to 4000 hp. The installation is called "Shrink Fitting". The rotor is warmed in our oven, and the new shaft is cooled using dry ice. When the conditions are correct, they will slip together and lock into place.

Boring and Drilling

From "Line Boring" to "Large Capacity" drilling, our skilled machine shop personnel will manufacture new parts large or small to ensure a timely repair. We pride ourselves with the ability to provide emergency repairs in-house under our control.

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